D2 participated in the creation of a youth organization “You choose”

The national youth organization "You Choose" was established, which will work to prevent sexually transmitted infections. Above 50 young people from all over the country discuss the first activities of the organization.

Within the National Campaign for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections U Ch00se, which is realized by APOZ and friends, the youth network Y-PEER, "Young Oncologist" Club and "Hope Against AIDS" Foundation, with support from MSD, youth organization "You choose" was established with chairman Stanislav Dodov. The public christening of the new organization was on 28 November 2010 r. in the "Krasno Selo" Cultural Center in Sofia, where they gathered over 50 young people from all over the country, motivated to learn more about HIV/AIDS and HPV, and work to better inform their peers.

At the first event of the new organization, the premiere of the documentary film U Ch00se - the work of four students - took place, decided to make sense of the right to choose with the means of cinema. The four short films: "Angel" by Nikolay Genchev, "The brevity of life" by Pavel Pavlov, "Steps" by Marina Kostadinova, and "Eliza" by Tsvetomir Matev, are collected in one document module, which will be broadcast nationally and on the Internet.

The National Campaign for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections U Ch00se, which informs about the importance of prevention and early diagnosis, launched in April 2010 g., and interactive training sessions were held in Sofia during the year, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Burgas and Varna, contests for a script for a documentary film and for a comic book idea, concerts on D 2 in the big cities of the country; D's song U Ch00se performed 2 and the video for it; the website www.uchoose.bg was created, where young people can communicate with specialists or with each other on the issues of responsible health behavior and sexual culture.

The meeting of young people continued with working sessions in groups, where ideas were discussed for the organization's first activities, and ended with a concert by the musical ambassadors of the D campaign 2 and the bands Scandau and The Reckoning. The ambition of young people to be more informed and make the right choices for themselves and others, who love, it's already a fact - "You Choose" Foundation.

Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of death in women. Each year 1000 Bulgarian women are infected with HPV, and of them 400 are dying. The incidence of cervical cancer in Bulgaria is the highest in the EU after that in Romania.

The officially registered HIV-positive people in Bulgaria are 1160, as the number of new cases since the beginning of the year is 51. The registered persons are in a wide age range – from 17 to 68 years, such as 60% of them are young people aged from 17 to 29 years.


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