44 Thousands of women in Bulgaria have breast cancer

More than 44 Thousands of women in Bulgaria have breast cancer, and before 7 – 8 years this figure has been 30 thousands.
The data are from the cancer registry and were announced by the president of the Association of Cancer Patients and Friends, Evgenia Aderska, in connection with the beginning of World Breast Cancer Month.
“This marks a typical worldwide trend – cancers are increasing. A few years ago, the World Health Organization made a prediction, that to 2020 year, cancers will increase by approx 50% worldwide”, adds Evgenia Adarska.

Despite the negative trend, the number of breast cancer patients diagnosed in the first stage in Bulgaria is increasing.

According to the chairman of the Association of Oncology Patients and Friends, the health policy should be seriously and long-term focused more on prevention on the one hand and on the other hand to deliver maximum effective treatment to the sick.

“This is the model, which countries around the world follow”, Aderska also said. She advised the Bulgarians to take stock, that health is a personal responsibility.

“We can isolate from our lifestyle a large part of the causes of the disease. We can be vigilant about our health, to see a doctor for prevention, and not because we are sick. Until a rhythmic and systematic care is created, organized prevention, t.nar. screening, until then, everything rests on the shoulders of our understanding of the importance of being healthy”, added the chairman of the Association of Cancer Patients and Friends.

Bulgaria is in the penultimate place among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in terms of healthcare expenditure per capita, and this cannot help but affect the level of medical services and indirectly result in worse results in terms of the quality of treatment and the prognosis for patients, Evgenia Aderska also noted.


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