Recruitment of participants for dance therapy #DancingWithHealth for women, diagnosed with breast cancer

Location and period:
Sofia, Bulgaria, 32 sessions in the period 19 October 2018 – 30 March 2019
Student polyclinic, fl. 4, MVJ Dance studio
20 souls
Schedule of dance sessions:
Information about the project:
“Association for the Development of Bulgarian Sports”


Main goal of the project:

To promote physical activity in the form of dance among women who have overcome breast cancer and others, who are still in treatment aged between 30 and 65 years. Participants will have the opportunity to try different types of dance (basic steps and movements) and thereby expected to improve and support their physical and mental condition. It is a proven fact, that moderate and purposeful sports or physical activity (including the practice of dancing) support and enhance healing, the recovery and subsequent rehabilitation of patients suffering from various diseases especially, when performed under the supervision of a specialist.

Activities and methods:

The dance specialists, who will implement the sessions - Valentina Nedeva and Ivayla Gergova - ABA (MVJ Dance Studio) underwent specialized training in Italy in June 2018, which was hosted by renowned British choreographer and professional dance competitor and coach Carolyn Smith, who is currently a judge on the popular Italian show "Ballando con le stelle" (Dancing Stars). Carolyn Smith herself suffered from this insidious disease and during her recovery discovered how to adapt dance to her current physical capabilities and as a result created a dance protocol, which has so far helped restore over 2000 women in Italy. Full information about Carolyn Smith:

Ivelina Dimitrova, qualified physiotherapist, who also underwent specific training in Italy in June 2018 year will perform baseline measurements of the general physical and mental condition of the selected participants, as the measurement data will be analyzed, in order to be able to validate a European protocol for dance therapy. Foro Romano University in Rome, Italy is a partner of the initiative and Professor Adriana Bonifacci's team will analyze the data from the participants in the project from Italy, Great Britain, Latvia, Holland and Bulgaria with the ultimate goal of a scientifically based and validated protocol for dance therapy for breast cancer patients. The development of such a protocol will be extremely useful for the successful implementation of dance therapy in female patients, diagnosed with breast cancer in the future, and the tests are standard and do not require prior preparation or additional actions (except to provide time for their realization).

Note: The initial and final recording of data on the physical condition of the project participants takes approx 1 hour and will be done at a time convenient for them.

Dance therapy

During 19 October – 30 March 2019 year at the Student Polyclinic, fl. 4, MVJ Dance studio will be realized 32 dance sessions, which cover the whole dance therapy, created by Carolyn Smith. Sessions follow a logical sequence, therefore, attendance at all sessions is mandatory. Dance therapy is free and has a fixed schedule available, which those wishing to join can familiarize themselves with before submitting their application form (

Criteria for selecting participants for inclusion in the dance sessions: • Up to three years from the date of breast cancer diagnosis (at the time of application, no more than 3 years from date of diagnosis).

• Age between 30-65 years.

• Minimum 4 months after the last chemotherapy or after surgery (to have passed a minimum 4 months, if there was one);

• Motivation to participate in all 32 dance therapy sessions.

• Application deadline: 10 August 2018
• Application form:
• Schedule of sessions:


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