Fundamental rights of the patient

As a Bulgarian citizen you have the constitutional right to use medical care, which may be free of charge in cases specified by law. It should not be denied to you because of your age, floor, origin and others distinctive to me characteristics: language; national, racial or political affiliation; education; religious beliefs; cultural level; sexual orientation; personal, social or material status; disability or illness.

The state guarantees equality when using health services and providing affordable and quality health care.

How far does the scope of your rights extend?, after you cross the entrance of the medical institution?

As a patient, you enjoy a wide range of rights, which doctors should respect and honor. Most of them are listed in the Health Act and are expressed in the following features:

  • you have the right to receive information about your rights and obligations as a patient in a language accessible to you;
  • you have the right to be aware of the information about your health condition and the methods for possible treatment;
  • you have the right to benefit from more than one medical opinion on the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the disease, when you are sick;
  • you are entitled to quality health care,
  • you have the right to security and safety of diagnostic and treatment procedures, conducted during treatment;
  • You have right, as far as possible to prevent pain and suffering during treatment;
  • you have the right to access modern methods of treatment;
  • doctors should respect your civil, politically, economically, social, cultural and religious rights;
  • you have the right to access medical records, related to your health;
  • you have the right to the protection of your personal data, incl. these, which relate to your health.

What rights do I have, when you have to go to a health facility?

When you are accommodated in a health institution, you can be visited by your personal doctor and the specialist, issued the referral for hospitalization. As a hospital patient follows:

  • to be provided with the necessary medicines for the treatment;
  • to accept or deny visitors;
  • to use the services of a psychotherapist, lawyer and clergyman;
  • to enjoy education and access to activities, matching your social, religious and cultural needs;
  • to get information about the price of each medical service, manipulation, treatment and medicinal products in outpatient and inpatient care.

Important! Doctors should examine you and start your treatment, after obtaining your consent and after informing you in advance about your health.

How and when you can file a complaint, if any of your rights as a patient are violated?

You can file a complaint or report to the regional health inspectorate in the event of a violation of your rights or in the event of disputes, related to my medical care. You can also call the national telephone number 0800 14 800. and report, in the event that your rights as a patient are violated.

Let's not forget the obligations, that you have as a patient:

  • to take care of your own health;
  • not to harm the health of others;
  • to assist the doctors in carrying out the activities, related to improving and restoring your health;
  • to observe the established order in the medical and health establishments.



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