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With the coming of November, Association of Cancer Patients (APOZ) is proud to announce the launch of its initiative, aimed at increasing...


The Association of Cancer Patients (APOZ) conducted specialized training for medical professionals, dedicated to the challenges of communicating with patients, faced with…


In early September 2024 g., both organizations, we submitted an official letter to the National Health Insurance Fund (НЗОК), addressed to the manager prof. Momchil Mavrov, …


EUonQoL: Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, which matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe

EUonQoL: Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, which matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe

21/09/2023 Initiatives

From the beginning of 2023 r. APOZ participates as a partner in the project "Quality of life in

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and dealing with it

and dealing with it

05/12/2021 Initiatives

Emotional support groups are starting for patients and their relatives at Acibadem City Clinic Hospital

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ABC Academy – training of patients with advanced breast cancer for better adherence to treatment

ABC Academy – training of patients with advanced breast cancer for better adherence to treatment

10/10/2015 Initiatives

In Bulgaria, breast cancer is over 25% of all new cases of cancer in

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