Patients: Complex care in oncology is still lacking

Cancer patients from all over the country participated in a forum, organized by the Association of patients with oncological diseases, посветен на развитието на онкологичната помощ у нас и нерешените проблеми в здравната система, associated with cancer. В събитието, което се организира по повод 20-годишнина от създаването на Асоциацията на пациентите с онкологични заболявания, се включиха пациенти, […]

Patients: Complex care in oncology is still lacking Read More »

A national patient forum will discuss the problems in oncology care in our country

Асоциацията на пациентите с онкологични заболявания ще отбележи своята 20-годишнина Антираковите политики и качеството на живот на пациентите – между намеренията и реалността ще обсъждат пациенти с онкологични заболявания в рамките на форум, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Association of patients with oncological diseases. Within the forum, patients, лекари и специалисти в социалната

A national patient forum will discuss the problems in oncology care in our country Read More »

Evgenia Alexandrova: "Interest" is not a dirty word, but the price should not be paid by patients

We, It's February, we don't understand business, we don't understand how the system works and what the bars and holes are, which are created, to benefit such, who have personal interests. "Interest" is not a dirty word, but things like that, like the reveal, that drugs are sold at various inflated prices, се случват и то не за

Evgenia Alexandrova: "Interest" is not a dirty word, but the price should not be paid by patients Read More »

Patients and experts are demanding the immediate start of activities in the National Plan to Fight Cancer

The prevention, precision diagnostics and digitization are the key activities, in which the state invests efforts immediately, recommend participants in a public forum, организиран от АПОЗ и ARPharM Асоциацията на пациентите с онкологични заболявания, European Coalition of Cancer Patients, The Association of Medical Students in Bulgaria - Sofia, The Association of Research Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Partners organized a public forum, посветен

Patients and experts are demanding the immediate start of activities in the National Plan to Fight Cancer Read More »

Institutions, patients, European and national experts in a discussion about the challenges and opportunities before the launch of the National Plan to fight cancer in the Republic of Bulgaria

For the first time, a project for the introduction of screening programs for oncological diseases in Bulgaria will be presented 24.11.2024 r. the forum "The National Plan to Fight Cancer - Lowering the Barrier to the Disease" will be held, organized by the European Coalition of Cancer Patients (ESRS), The Association of Cancer Patients (APOZ) and

Institutions, patients, European and national experts in a discussion about the challenges and opportunities before the launch of the National Plan to fight cancer in the Republic of Bulgaria Read More »

The President of APOZ met with the European Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakidou and other patient advocates

During her short working visit to Bulgaria, the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakidou, held a meeting with representatives of patient organizations. In the meeting on behalf of the Association of patients with oncological diseases, the chairwoman Evgenia Alexandrova participated. The meeting turned into a heartfelt and frank conversation about the lives of patients in our country, for their needs,

The President of APOZ met with the European Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakidou and other patient advocates Read More »

NEW PROJECT OF APOZ: Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, which matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe

From the beginning of 2023 r. APOZ participates as a partner in the project "Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, that matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe', referred to as EUonQoL for short. The project is financed by the Program “Horizon Europe” of the European Union will last four years. The aim of EUonQoL is to create a new

NEW PROJECT OF APOZ: Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, which matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe Read More »

EUonQoL: Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, which matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe

From the beginning of 2023 r. APOZ participates as a partner in the project "Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, that matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe', referred to as EUonQoL for short. The project is financed by the Program “Horizon Europe” of the European Union will last four years. The aim of EUonQoL is to create a new

EUonQoL: Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, which matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe Read More »

Oncologist surgeon Iva Gavrilova: Sunburns can trigger skin carcinomas

Examinations by a specialist, sun protection all year round, not only in summer at the beach, preventing sunburn, no tanning bed visits, for which it has already been established, that they have a direct link to skin cancer. These are the advices of oncologist surgeon Iva Gavrilova for the prevention of skin cancer. „Винаги говорим как да се пазим от

Oncologist surgeon Iva Gavrilova: Sunburns can trigger skin carcinomas Read More »

Famous Bulgarians stand behind an initiative to raise public awareness of cancer

Oncologists and leading specialists share tips on cancer prevention and treatment with Orlin Pavlov, Dragomir Simeonov, Sofia Marinkova and others. Famous Bulgarians join the Onko.NET initiative, through which the Cancer Patients Association continues its efforts to raise awareness of major issues in screening, the prevention and treatment of socially significant oncological diseases. AT

Famous Bulgarians stand behind an initiative to raise public awareness of cancer Read More »

The gastroenterologist Assoc. Radin Tsonev: "Hepatitis B vaccine also protects against liver cancer"

Liver cancer in 80% от случаите е в резултат на вирусния хепатит Ваксината срещу вирусния хепатит В е една от най-добрите профилактики срещу рака на черния дроб, убеден е гастроентерологът доц. Radin Tsonev. „Предразполагащи фактори за развитието му са на първо място вирусните заболявания и то вирусният Хепатит В и С. В близо

The gastroenterologist Assoc. Radin Tsonev: "Hepatitis B vaccine also protects against liver cancer" Read More »

Dr. Mila Petrova: "Atypical complaints delay the diagnosis of lung carcinoma."”

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death from cancer, warns medical oncologist Mila Petrova. "In recent more than 20 For years, the efforts of oncologists around the world have been aimed at improving the diagnosis and the prognosis for the cure of patients with lung cancer", she admits. Пътят на диагностиката на този вид карцином

Dr. Mila Petrova: "Atypical complaints delay the diagnosis of lung carcinoma."” Read More »

Dr. Margarita Taushanova: “Modern treatment turns breast carcinoma into an ordinary chronic disease”

Medical oncologist Dr. Margarita Taushanova pays attention to Orlin Pavlov, that breast cancer is perhaps the most common cancer in women. Според данните от видеото от този вид карцином всеки ден в света си отиват около 1000 жени – нечии дъщери, майки, съпруги. От него страдат и между 1% and 3% от мъжете, поради

Dr. Margarita Taushanova: “Modern treatment turns breast carcinoma into an ordinary chronic disease” Read More »

The psychological support program of the Metropolitan Municipality, realized in partnership with APOZ, continues

Психологическата помощ като форма на палиативна грижа за тежко болни пациенти и техните близки в общинските многопрофилни болници за активно лечение ще продължи да се предоставя. Това ще гласуват общинските съветници на предстоящото заседание на градския парламент в четвъртък. През октомври 2022-а година, Столичният общински съвет прие предложената пилотна програма на председателя Георги Георгиев. За

The psychological support program of the Metropolitan Municipality, realized in partnership with APOZ, continues Read More »

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