Onko.NO: Urologist Dr. Elenko Popov about prostate cancer

In November Association of patients with oncological diseases (APOZ) is proud to announce the launch of its initiative, насочена към повишаване на информираността относно рака на простатата – едно от най-честите онкологични заболявания сред мъжете. Кампанията подчертава важността на ранната диагностика и превенцията и включва специално интервю с д-р Еленко Попов, уролог с дългогодишен опит. Интервюто, проведено […]

Onko.NO: Urologist Dr. Elenko Popov about prostate cancer Read More »

APOZ launched a campaign for awareness and fight against prostate cancer

With the coming of November, Association of Cancer Patients (APOZ) is proud to announce the launch of its initiative, насочена към повишаване на информираността относно рака на простатата – едно от най-честите онкологични заболявания сред мъжете. Кампанията подчертава важността на ранната диагностика и превенцията и включва специално интервю с д-р Еленко Попов, уролог с дългогодишен опит.

APOZ launched a campaign for awareness and fight against prostate cancer Read More »

Prof.. Asena Serbezova: “Every report of an adverse drug reaction is important”

Medicines are an invariable part of the life of each of us. From the daily treatment of a simple headache to complex therapies for chronic diseases, medicines play a key role in keeping us healthy. However, to be truly useful and safe, all doctors, фармацевти и пациенти – трябва да работим заедно в името на

Prof.. Asena Serbezova: “Every report of an adverse drug reaction is important” Read More »

38 doctors received training on the dialogue with patients in difficult moments

The Association of Cancer Patients (APOZ) conducted specialized training for medical professionals, dedicated to the challenges of communicating with patients, facing dire diagnoses. The training was aimed at medical oncologists, surgeons, hematologists, anesthesiologists and other medical experts. The initiative is implemented with the support of Fantastico. Събитието „Диалогът с пациента в трудните моменти“ обхвана ключови въпроси като

38 doctors received training on the dialogue with patients in difficult moments Read More »

APOZ and Edna from 8 with an appeal to the NHIF to improve care for breast cancer patients

In early September 2024 g., both organizations, we submitted an official letter to the National Health Insurance Fund (НЗОК), addressed to the manager prof. Momchil Mavrov, with an appeal to review and update the limits on aids for women diagnosed with breast cancer, went through chemotherapy and surgery and adding new ones. В отговор на писмото

APOZ and Edna from 8 with an appeal to the NHIF to improve care for breast cancer patients Read More »

APOZ supported the women's health care initiative “Just in time for me”

“Bulgaria has the highest percentage of late-detected breast cancer cases, although diagnostics are also so advanced. Основната причина за това е липса на Национална скринингова програма. Но ние може да правим своите профилактични прегледи. Не сме безсилни и можем да вземем контрол над собственото си здраве. Отговорността към здравето ни

APOZ supported the women's health care initiative “Just in time for me” Read More »

The Ministry of Health included the drug Cisplatin in a special list, so as not to stop the treatment of patients with it

According to information provided by IAL, related to the medicinal product with the trade name Cisplatin Accord 1 a notification has been submitted by Phoenix Pharma EOOD Bulgaria, за временно преустановяване на продажбите в страната до края на януари 2025 r. Причина за това преустановяване е промяна в производствените графици, водещи до забавяне на планираните доставки. Това се казва в отговор

The Ministry of Health included the drug Cisplatin in a special list, so as not to stop the treatment of patients with it Read More »

The NHIF is expected to pay for biomarkers in oncology and oncohematology from 2025 r.

Through the city. June 2024 r. The National Health Insurance Fund (НЗОК) started consultations and moved to developing an implementation procedure, отчитане и заплащане на изследвания на биомаркери за солидни тумори и хематологични заболявания. We remind you, че АПОЗ е сред инициаторите на обществения диалог по този въпрос и проведе информационна кампания, както и застъпнически срещи, които да доведат

The NHIF is expected to pay for biomarkers in oncology and oncohematology from 2025 r. Read More »

Patients: Complex care in oncology is still lacking

Cancer patients from all over the country participated in a forum, organized by the Association of patients with oncological diseases, dedicated to the development of oncology care in our country and the unsolved problems in the health care system, associated with cancer. In the event, which is organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Association of patients with oncological diseases, patients were included,

Patients: Complex care in oncology is still lacking Read More »

A national patient forum will discuss the problems in oncology care in our country

Асоциацията на пациентите с онкологични заболявания ще отбележи своята 20-годишнина Антираковите политики и качеството на живот на пациентите – между намеренията и реалността ще обсъждат пациенти с онкологични заболявания в рамките на форум, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Association of patients with oncological diseases. Within the forum, patients, лекари и специалисти в социалната

A national patient forum will discuss the problems in oncology care in our country Read More »

Evgenia Alexandrova: "Interest" is not a dirty word, but the price should not be paid by patients

We, It's February, we don't understand business, we don't understand how the system works and what the bars and holes are, which are created, to benefit such, who have personal interests. "Interest" is not a dirty word, but things like that, like the reveal, that drugs are sold at various inflated prices, се случват и то не за

Evgenia Alexandrova: "Interest" is not a dirty word, but the price should not be paid by patients Read More »

Patients and experts are demanding the immediate start of activities in the National Plan to Fight Cancer

The prevention, precision diagnostics and digitization are the key activities, in which the state invests efforts immediately, recommend participants in a public forum, организиран от АПОЗ и ARPharM Асоциацията на пациентите с онкологични заболявания, European Coalition of Cancer Patients, The Association of Medical Students in Bulgaria - Sofia, The Association of Research Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Partners organized a public forum, посветен

Patients and experts are demanding the immediate start of activities in the National Plan to Fight Cancer Read More »

Institutions, patients, European and national experts in a discussion about the challenges and opportunities before the launch of the National Plan to fight cancer in the Republic of Bulgaria

For the first time, a project for the introduction of screening programs for oncological diseases in Bulgaria will be presented 24.11.2024 r. the forum "The National Plan to Fight Cancer - Lowering the Barrier to the Disease" will be held, organized by the European Coalition of Cancer Patients (ESRS), The Association of Cancer Patients (APOZ) and

Institutions, patients, European and national experts in a discussion about the challenges and opportunities before the launch of the National Plan to fight cancer in the Republic of Bulgaria Read More »

The President of APOZ met with the European Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakidou and other patient advocates

During her short working visit to Bulgaria, the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakidou, held a meeting with representatives of patient organizations. In the meeting on behalf of the Association of patients with oncological diseases, the chairwoman Evgenia Alexandrova participated. The meeting turned into a heartfelt and frank conversation about the lives of patients in our country, for their needs,

The President of APOZ met with the European Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakidou and other patient advocates Read More »

NEW PROJECT OF APOZ: Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, which matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe

From the beginning of 2023 r. APOZ participates as a partner in the project "Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, that matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe', referred to as EUonQoL for short. The project is financed by the Program “Horizon Europe” of the European Union will last four years. The aim of EUonQoL is to create a new

NEW PROJECT OF APOZ: Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, which matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe Read More »

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