E. Adarska: I hope that the new head of the NHIF will be dialogical

Evgenia Adarska, Chairman of APOZ, коментира вПреди всичкина БНР снабдяването с лекарства и достъпа до онкологична помощ. Има известно отдръпване от идеята за промени и това е добре. Всяка власт има право на ревизия, но е хубаво, че се вслушват в нашия глас. Надявам се на днешната пресконференция да стане ясно, че сегашният модел […]

E. Adarska: I hope that the new head of the NHIF will be dialogical Read More »

APOZ: Medicines for cancer patients should remain within the scope of activity of the NHIF

Medicines for oncological patients must remain within the scope of activity of the National Health Service, announced the Association of patients with oncological diseases. Their open letter is based on the words of the manager of the National Health Insurance Fund, Dr. Plamen Tsekov. Yesterday he insisted that a state fund be created, to finance the most expensive drugs for oncological diseases. Управителят

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Evgenia Adarska, APOZ: Discounts agreed by the NHIF in the price of oncological drugs will lead to a change in health policy

Без съмнение договорените от Здравната каса отстъпки в цената на 88 лекарствени продукта ще доведат до промяна в здравната политика, в посока на повече грижа за онкоболните в България. Това каза пред Радио “Focus” Evgenia Adarska, President of the Association of Cancer Patients. Според Адърска, процесът на ценообразуване и на движение на възможностите за осигуряване на

Evgenia Adarska, APOZ: Discounts agreed by the NHIF in the price of oncological drugs will lead to a change in health policy Read More »

Campaign against colon cancer

Синя панделка на ревера е в знак на съпричастност към кампаниятаТвоето здраве е много лично”. От Асоциацията на пациенти с онкологични заболявания целят чрез инициативата да се подобри информираността на населението за едно много коварно заболяване – colon cancer. Кампанията е насочена към създаване на нов тип здравна култура у хората, like that

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20 the question: Evgenia Adarska

Евгения Адърска е председател на Асоциация на пациентите с онкологични заболявания и е напълно отдадена на мисията си да подкрепи всеки, който се сблъска с болестта. Макар че отрича да е борбен човек, тя успява да застане на страната на пациентите, на страната на техните роднини, на страната на медиците и на страната на институциите

20 the question: Evgenia Adarska Read More »

Adarska women: We brought Facebook into the fight against cancer

Писателят Рей Клуун ни подари правата за книгата си, казва Жени Адърска.Хуманен експериментзапочнаха от Асоциацията на пациентите с онкологични заболявания и приятели (APOZ) преди няколко месеца в социалните мрежи. Как Фейсбук може да стане оръжие в битката с рака? “Стандартси говори с председателката на АПОЗ Евгения Адърска. – Women, името ви се свързва

Adarska women: We brought Facebook into the fight against cancer Read More »

Evgenia Adarska: Why there are no drugs for cancer patients

Some hospitals have had no cancer drugs for months, and in others they never ended. This was stated by the chairman of the Association of Cancer Patients Evgenia Aderska. She stated, that one patient claimed in a letter to her, that in the hospital, where he is being treated for cancer, since April last year “5 Fluorouracil”- main

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Cheerful against the Inkwell: This tale has appeared, after Vesela encountered cancer. It is not known how most of the tales came about. Now we will tell you how it appeared. The tale of Queen Wea. The queen had a king in her, they both lived happily ever after until the appearance of the evil witch Inkwell. Ink blackened

Cheerful Read More »

Free rehabilitation for cancer patients from 2013 year

Cancer patients will be able to use free rehabilitation procedures from next year. This was announced by the chairman of the Association of patients with oncological diseases (APOZ) Evgenia Adarska. The program “Victoria” is aimed at breast cancer patients, testicular and gynecological carcinoma. They will be able to use for 10 days per year based on Specialized rehabilitation hospitals in

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Grand Prix for “A woman goes to the doctor” of FARA

“A woman goes to the doctor” is the campaign, which was awarded the newly established Grand Prix award at this year's 14th edition of the FARA advertising festival in our country. The APOZ campaign, and the vision is the work of the Reforma agency, and the distinction is awarded only after a unanimous opinion by the evaluation jury, that the prize candidate, has the potential to

Grand Prix for “A woman goes to the doctor” of FARA Read More »

Young people share their responsible experiences

The fastest ones will get t-shirts with the campaign slogans for themselves and their friends, and the rest can learn about what happened during the campaign and the products, created by the young “voters”.  “As successes, we count the spread of the three slogans in 25 establishments from four cities, the holding of two creative trainings in Veliko Tarnovo and

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I met Love at an official dinner a few months ago. I knew about her illness before I met her. I will not hide – I was worried and stiff, I expected to meet a languid and desperate man, I was looking for the words, with which to encourage her. A completely different person was waiting for me at the table with a smile – full of life, faith

Love Read More »

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