EUonQoL: Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, which matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe

From the beginning of 2023 r. APOZ participates as a partner in the project "Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, that matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe', referred to as EUonQoL for short. The project is financed by the Program “Horizon Europe” of the European Union will last four years. The aim of EUonQoL is to create a new […]

EUonQoL: Quality of life in oncology: measuring it, which matters to cancer patients and cancer survivors in Europe Read More »

Oncologist surgeon Iva Gavrilova: Sunburns can trigger skin carcinomas

Examinations by a specialist, sun protection all year round, not only in summer at the beach, preventing sunburn, no tanning bed visits, for which it has already been established, that they have a direct link to skin cancer. These are the advices of oncologist surgeon Iva Gavrilova for the prevention of skin cancer. „Винаги говорим как да се пазим от

Oncologist surgeon Iva Gavrilova: Sunburns can trigger skin carcinomas Read More »

Famous Bulgarians stand behind an initiative to raise public awareness of cancer

Oncologists and leading specialists share tips on cancer prevention and treatment with Orlin Pavlov, Dragomir Simeonov, Sofia Marinkova and others. Famous Bulgarians join the Onko.NET initiative, through which the Cancer Patients Association continues its efforts to raise awareness of major issues in screening, the prevention and treatment of socially significant oncological diseases. AT

Famous Bulgarians stand behind an initiative to raise public awareness of cancer Read More »

The gastroenterologist Assoc. Radin Tsonev: "Hepatitis B vaccine also protects against liver cancer"

Liver cancer in 80% от случаите е в резултат на вирусния хепатит Ваксината срещу вирусния хепатит В е една от най-добрите профилактики срещу рака на черния дроб, убеден е гастроентерологът доц. Radin Tsonev. „Предразполагащи фактори за развитието му са на първо място вирусните заболявания и то вирусният Хепатит В и С. В близо

The gastroenterologist Assoc. Radin Tsonev: "Hepatitis B vaccine also protects against liver cancer" Read More »

Dr. Mila Petrova: "Atypical complaints delay the diagnosis of lung carcinoma."”

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death from cancer, warns medical oncologist Mila Petrova. "In recent more than 20 For years, the efforts of oncologists around the world have been aimed at improving the diagnosis and the prognosis for the cure of patients with lung cancer", she admits. Пътят на диагностиката на този вид карцином

Dr. Mila Petrova: "Atypical complaints delay the diagnosis of lung carcinoma."” Read More »

Dr. Margarita Taushanova: “Modern treatment turns breast carcinoma into an ordinary chronic disease”

Medical oncologist Dr. Margarita Taushanova pays attention to Orlin Pavlov, that breast cancer is perhaps the most common cancer in women. According to the data from the video, from this type of carcinoma every day in the world about 1000 women - one's daughters, mothers, wives. They also suffer from it 1% and 3% from men, поради

Dr. Margarita Taushanova: “Modern treatment turns breast carcinoma into an ordinary chronic disease” Read More »

The psychological support program of the Metropolitan Municipality, realized in partnership with APOZ, continues

Психологическата помощ като форма на палиативна грижа за тежко болни пациенти и техните близки в общинските многопрофилни болници за активно лечение ще продължи да се предоставя. Това ще гласуват общинските съветници на предстоящото заседание на градския парламент в четвъртък. През октомври 2022-а година, Столичният общински съвет прие предложената пилотна програма на председателя Георги Георгиев. За

The psychological support program of the Metropolitan Municipality, realized in partnership with APOZ, continues Read More »

Prof.. Dimitar Kostadinov: Personalized therapy – the most modern approach to treating lung cancer

According to the latest data, more than 4200 new cases of lung cancer. Occurring in the first stages asymptomatically, usually this type of carcinoma is diagnosed in patients in advanced stage III or IV, when therapeutic options are more limited and the prognosis more severe. За профилактиката и превенцията на рака на белия дроб говори

Prof.. Dimitar Kostadinov: Personalized therapy – the most modern approach to treating lung cancer Read More »

The role of genetic testing in determining the most appropriate treatment in lung cancer

Medical care and civilization mark their simultaneous emergence with the discovery of an artifact from prehistoric times, representing a broken and healed femur. Medicine as a science has a thousand-year history, while less than two centuries separate us from the birth of genetics. Today it is a major source of information, благодарение на което се намират терапевтични решения за доскоро нелечими

The role of genetic testing in determining the most appropriate treatment in lung cancer Read More »

Schedule for admission under the program for complex rehabilitation of women with breast cancer “Victoria” – 2023 r.

Dear patients, We publish the schedule for admission by program “Victoria” for 2023 r. "Victoria" program has started: – from 1 March in SBR NK branch Bankya – о1 април в СБР НК филиал Хисаря – from 24 април в СБР НК филиал Баня Карловско. Доплащането за 2023 it's a year 250 leva for 10 дни и застраховка 20 leva.

Schedule for admission under the program for complex rehabilitation of women with breast cancer “Victoria” – 2023 r. Read More »

National survey: Only 3% from the Bulgarians think, that cancer is a completely curable disease

Of the EU countries, only in Bulgaria the death rate from cancer is increasing, показват данните от европейски доклад Една четвърт от българите са провеждали профилактичен преглед или изследване, свързано с превенцията на онкологично заболяване. Закономерно профилактиката се увеличава с покачване на възрастта, когато човек започва да се интересува в по-голяма степен от здравето си. It makes an impression,

National survey: Only 3% from the Bulgarians think, that cancer is a completely curable disease Read More »

Evgenia Alexandrova: The proverbial lack of attention to the needs of the sick creates tension

They can be assisted by trained navigators, we aim to make them part of the non-medical staff, казва председателят на Асоциацията на пациентите с онкологични заболявания Г-жо Александрова, on 4 февруари се отбелязва Световният ден за борба с рака. Вие имате над 20 години опит в пациентския сектор в подкрепа на онкоболни. Виждате ли положителна

Evgenia Alexandrova: The proverbial lack of attention to the needs of the sick creates tension Read More »

CONSULTATION: A survey to assess scientific literacy among European citizens on the importance of cancer research

Ladies and gentlemen, The Cancer Patients Association invites you to participate in a survey, which is implemented within the framework of the European initiative UNCAN.eu. The aim of the initiative is to check what is the level of scientific literacy among European citizens about the importance of cancer research. Completing the survey is expected to take some time

CONSULTATION: A survey to assess scientific literacy among European citizens on the importance of cancer research Read More »

Biomarkers in oncology – in diagnostics, treatment and follow-up

Biomarkers are key in deciding on subsequent treatment, especially in oncological diseases. Biomarkers can be extracted and analyzed from various biological materials such as blood, урина, слюнка както и различни тъкани, включително и туморна тъкан. Туморните маркери в онкологията могат да са различни видове РНК молекули, протеини, клетъчни метаболити и органични материали, както и различни

Biomarkers in oncology – in diagnostics, treatment and follow-up Read More »

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