

"I have changed! I change every day!”, Ellie tells me, while visiting me for coffee and biscuits. And he means the change in his attitude to the world,


The coincidence gathered two women in a hospital room.. One of them was prescribed by doctors to lie still, the other had to 30 minutes a day to stand up


I see her for the first time at the table in the restaurant, where we met for the first time with strong and brave women - victims of breast cancer.


"I have changed! I change every day!”, Ellie tells me, while visiting me for coffee and biscuits. And he means the change in his attitude to the world,

Natalia in the pink world

When Natalia fell ill with cancer, she bought pink sheets. And she left, braided like a schoolgirl. Until then, she hated pink, probably because she was in a hurry to grow up,

The meeting with Zhiva

Like most ordinary people, I had an idea of ​​the disease “crab”. I was afraid. I bristled, as the time of the meeting approached. I had to meet Zhiva in splendor

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