One May evening, before 11 years, it turned out to be,that I have a lump on my breast. My husband touched her. They had bought me a ticket to Palermo the same day, business trip to beloved Italy.
I barely woke up, I do not remember how I got to Dr. Penev's office (peace of his soul). He examined me thoroughly with both hands and said, that 90% according to him it is a fibroadenoma, but must be operated on, as it is in all probability benign.
I was convinced, that I will not have surgery in my hometown, I sought a second opinion in Plovdiv. A close gynecologist recommended a mammologist. The mammogram was read again 90% the percentages were considered benign education.
The operation was inevitable.
I trusted Dr. Tulev for the operation. His opinion was, too, that 90% is benign, but of course 10 the percentages are that, which we least want, that part of 100 they percent.
After… The gefrir… Histology. Pajamas with buttons on the front, research, date of operation.
"Three days and on the fourth we discharge you."
What can I lie to my parents about these few days? Mostly because of my mother, operated on for breast cancer, with a complete mastectomy…
Project! Yes, by design I will be out of town for a few days, I will tell her.
27 June 2012 year. They take me to the operating room, my pulse is in my throat, I lie down and am crucified. My anesthesiologist scolded my varnished nails (someone had forgotten to tell me, that you should not).
Fall asleep.
Suddenly I hear, someone call me by name.
I can not breathe. I try and still can't. And the voice keeps repeating it “Breathe!”
E, they felt, that I need help. Then I took a breath.
The cart left, carries me away, I see the anxious licks of my husband and aunt – only they knew where I was and why I was there.
I did not understand at first why these faces. I was moved to the bed, I'm as tight as a snare, I have difficulty breathing, the bandage is so tight.
Someone enters the room. Dr. Tulev… “I'm sorry, Katya, but rapid histology showed malignant education” … Those 10 percent…
It takes me away, I feel sick… From anesthesia or from the news? I'm vomiting…
In the afternoon the picture is somehow arranged, I have two hoses, they were the cause of their sorrowful countenances, because they saw them, as soon as they took me out of the operating room.
It wasn't until that afternoon that I realized, that I have cancer and that I have had a quadrantectomy. My mother was not so lucky, in my hometown there is a maxim “She has a breast – has a problem, no breast, no problem."
The walk of torment began, fears, therapies, lost friends. They probably didn't know how to react.
I remembered the inscription on a poster at the entrance of KOC – Plovdiv. When I got home, a few weeks passed, I thought of looking for the caption on the internet. I sat down at the computer and wrote APOZ, the inscription on that poster…
I can not say, that we are close with Dr. Tulev, but I am grateful, that I chose it, I am grateful for the decision, which he took on that one 27 June 2012 r.
I visit it once a year. And already 11 I have been in remission for years.
Thanks to.
Katya Demireva