A sick note is required, when you are temporarily incapacitated and unable to perform your duties: in the process of proving the diagnosis, as well as for treatment abroad. To get sick, you must have paid regular insurance for the risks of general illness and maternity, an accident at work and an occupational disease.
The sick leave certificate is issued for the period from the first day of your illness until you recover or until the establishment of permanently reduced working capacity by the TEMC..
Who can issue you a sick note??
A sick note may be issued to you by your doctor or medical advisory committee (LCC).The continuation of the hospital after 180 continuous days due to general illness is carried out by LKK after the permission of the TEMC.
What is the procedure for issuing a sick note ?
In the process of proving cancer, you will probably meet with various specialists. You will be given various tests, including possible admission to a hospital.
The doctor may issue a medical certificate for the entire duration of treatment. In cases, when you need home treatment after hospital treatment, upon discharge you will be issued a sick note by a medical advisory commission, which includes the days for hospital treatment (incl. the day of discharge), as well as no more than 30 days for home treatment.
It is mandatory to present the sick leave to your employer by 2 working days. There is an option for your doctor to send the sick leave, but only if you state in writing, that you do not have the opportunity to present it.
Terms of temporary incapacity for work (t. the sun. "Hospital")
The term of the sick leave depends on the specialist, who issued it to me:
- Doctor, including the GP, may issue a sick note for a maximum period of 14 continuous calendar days, or several sick leaves, but for no more than 40 days with a break in one calendar year.
- The Medical Advisory Committee (LCC) - if and after 14 days you are still unable to work, you need to contact a committee. It can allow you uninterrupted leave for up to 180 calendar days and no more than 30 days once. LKK also issues sick leaves for a day hospital( stay in a medical institution without an overnight stay) and a home hospital( specialized medical treatment at home).
- TELK - performs expertise of working capacity after expiration of 180 days of uninterrupted leave due to temporary incapacity for work; as well as when you have used 180 days of continuous sick leave or 360 calendar days within 2 previous years and the year of treatment.
What happens after you receive a sick note?
You acquire the right to leave and cash benefits for temporary incapacity for work. You have to within 2 working days to present the sick list to your employer. If you wish to return to work before the end of the sick leave, you should ask your doctor to end your leave, by sending your employer a notice of termination of sick leave. It is important to know, that non-working days and the use of other statutory leave do not interrupt your sick leave. If you work in several places, your doctor will need to issue you several copies of the sick list for each of your employers..
Practically if you are a patient of Acibadem City Clinic Oncology Center, for the weather, in which you are on chemotherapy or radiation you are entitled to sick leave. The hospital has a specialized medical advisory commission, which will issue you a sick note for your stay in the hospital (usually 3 days at the Medical Oncology Clinic ") and for 30 days of home treatment until your next chemotherapy. And so until the end of your chemotherapy treatment, if it is within 6 months.
If you are on radiotherapy, you will receive a sick leave for the period, where you come to the Radiation Clinic, as well as 30 days later.
If your treatment continues after 180 days of continuous sick leave (that is 6 months), you can ask extending your sick leave, but this is permitted by the TEMC. For this purpose it is necessary to ask your doctor for a protocol for prolongation of temporary incapacity for work., which to present in the Regional file of TEMC at a permanent address (this is usually the largest hospital in the municipal city or the specialized state oncology hospital in Sofia).
You will receive a letter, in which you will be asked for various tests and documents, as well as a date will be set for appearing before the TEMC. An important document is the so-called. "Production characteristic", which is prepared by your employer - ask them to prepare it for you, when submitting documents for extension of sick leave, because it takes time to prepare.
After the appearance of the TEMC, the commission will allow you to extend your sick leave. You can present the decision for continuation of temporary incapacity for work by the TEMC after the 6th month to your personal doctor., to present you to LKK at the place of residence and to receive your sick leave after six months from LKK at the place of residence. The TEMC may authorize the use of sick leave after six months of continuous sick leave within more 6 months, but divided into 3 times (3x2 months). For each extension of the sick leave from the TEMC a new submission of documents in the file is required (that is, to everyone 2 months if necessary).
It is important to know, that for diseases, for which TELK (NELK) has determined 50% and over 50 % reduced ability to work, A sick leave certificate for temporary incapacity for work is NOT issued. ANDis an exception and it directly applies to people with cancer: exceptions are allowed, when there is objective data on its exacerbation, as well as in interventions, associated with the treatment of chronic disease. This means, that if you are at work, despite the TEMC's decision on cancer, and pension, which you receive, you are entitled to a sick leave for chemotherapy or other treatment, or intervention, but only if there is progression in the underlying disease.