Appearing before the TEMC is possible, when you were in continuous hospitalization 180 calendar days. You don't have to be in the hospital, however, to appear before the Territorial Expert Medical Commission (TELK), because as a result of your illness you lose your ability to work, and the task of the TEMC is to establish the lost working capacity, determining it by a percentage.
The proof of your permanently reduced working capacity is proved by the TEMC, but before that, your doctor or personal doctor prepares a sample form, which you must submit to the RCME (regional file of medical expertise). From there they will give you an incoming number. You have to wait for a letter. When you get it, it is necessary to go with him to the GP. He will give you directions for all the research, which are required in the letter.
Then collect and copy all the research, epicrisis and other documentation, which is specified in the letter and on the specified day and time you appear at the specified place before a commission (labor expert medical commission). This commission will issue you an EP (expert decision) for reduced efficiency. To be entitled to a pension for the so-called. "Disability", the disability rate must be 50% and over 50%, as well as to have a minimum length of service, which is specified in the Social Security Code (CSR). The percentage of lost working capacity depends on the complexity of your disease and is determined by a special regulation.
Once you have a decision for reduced efficiency from the TEMC, it is necessary to wait 14 days and you must visit the regional file again, to seal your decision. These are 2 weeks, in which if you do not agree with the decision of the TEMC, you can appeal its decision to NELC (National Expert Medical Commission).
The stamped decision of the TEMC is submitted to the National Social Security Institute (NOI), where you apply for a pension for the so-called. "Disability". You can inquire in advance what the necessary pension documents are and prepare them, while the procedure for passing the TEMC is in progress.
Here are some of the percentages lost ability to work, which are determined by the TEMC for the most common cancers:
- Malignant tumor of breast in the first 5 years: at an early stage, as well as after extirpation of local recurrence or skin metastases: in the first two years: 80%; from the third to the fifth year: 50 – 70%; inoperable or with distant metastases up to the 5th year: 71 – 100%.
- Malignant tumor of the uterus or the cervix in the former 5 years: when removed at an early stage - in the first two years: 90%; from the third to the fifth year: 50 – 70%; inoperable or with distant metastases up to the 5th year: 71 – 100%
- Malignant tumor of ovary in the first 5 years: in the initial stages- the first two years: 91%; from the third to the fifth year: 70 – 80%; inoperable or with distant metastases up to the 5th year: 71 – 100%; lack of two ovaries (post-castration syndrome) to 50 years: 50%
- 4. Severe endometriosis: 20 – 30%.
- 5. Malignant vaginal tumor in the first five years: at an early stage up to the 5th year: 60 – 90%; inoperable or with distant metastases up to the 5th year: 71 – 100%.
- Malignant tumor of the external genitalia: at an early stage up to the 5th year: 60 – 90%; inoperable or with distant metastases up to the 5th year: 71 – 100%.
- After removing malignant tumor of the testis in the first 5 years: teratocarcinoma: the first two years: 91%, from the third to the fifth year: 80 – 90%; seminoma: the first two years: 91%, from the third to the fifth year: 60 – 80%; with metastases - 100%
- After removing malignant tumor of the prostate gland in the first 5 years: at an early stage (radical prostatectomy) to the 5th year: the first two years: 80%, from the third to the fifth year: 50 – 70%; locally advanced process (castration and hormone therapy): the first two years: 91%; from the third to the fifth year - 60 – 80 %, after the fifth year: 50%; prostate tumors with distant metastases: 100%.
- Malignant liver tumor: the first year after surgery: 95 – 100%, from the second to the 5th year after the operation: 70 – 90%, with metastases: 100%.
- Malignant tumor of Gall bladder, extrahepatic bile ducts and papillae: In the first two years after surgery: 91%, the second to the fifth year: 71 – 90%, with metastases: 95 – 100%.
- Malignant neoplasms of the trachea, of the bronchi and lungs - regardless of the therapeutic behavior, permanent incapacity is determined until 5 years: when establishing the diagnosis for a shortened period: 95%, provided there is no evidence of recurrence or metastasis, depending on the general condition (weight reduction, anemia): 60 – 80 % (as the percentage decreases until reaching 5 years); late relapses (after 5 years): 90 – 100%.
You can appear before the TELK, to get a percentage of permanent disability, t.nar. "Disability" immediately after surgery, if no chemotherapy or radiation therapy is given. If treatment is performed after the operation, it is good that at least half of the planned treatment has passed, before submitting the documents. In this way, the TEMC will have the opportunity to make sure of the current state of health. Some TEMCs may delay your "disability" until the end of your chemotherapy treatment, for example.