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Institutions, patients, European and national experts in a discussion about the challenges and opportunities before the launch of the National Plan to fight cancer in the Republic of Bulgaria | The Association of Cancer Patients

Institutions, patients, European and national experts in a discussion about the challenges and opportunities before the launch of the National Plan to fight cancer in the Republic of Bulgaria

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For the first time, a project for the introduction of screening programs for oncological diseases in Bulgaria will be presented

On 24.11.2024 r. the forum "The National Plan to Fight Cancer - Lowering the Barrier to the Disease" will be held, organized by the European Coalition of Cancer Patients (ESRS), The Association of Cancer Patients (APOZ) and the Association of medical students in Bulgaria - Sofia (ASMB), with the support of the Association of Research Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in Bulgaria (ARPharM) and the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

The event will be held under the auspices of the Ministry of Health, with the media support of BNT, bTV Media Group and Nova TV, and will gather representatives of the institutions in one place, Bulgarian and international experts and health specialists, patient organizations, industry, media etc.).

The forum will be opened with welcoming speeches by Bulgarian and international officials, including the Minister of Health Prof. Hristo Hinkov and the President of the European Coalition to Fight Cancer Prof. Francesco De Lorenzo, and will continue with three panel sessions, in which the topics of the benefits of introducing screening programs for early detection and treatment of oncological diseases will be touched upon, accurate diagnosis as a mandatory element for the appointment of targeted therapy, oncology databases as an effective tool for planning and implementing health policies in the country.

In addition to showcasing various successful examples from Europe of screening programs and early diagnosis models for oncological diseases, within the framework of the program of the forum, for the first time, a project for the introduction of national screening programs for three oncological diseases in Bulgaria will be presented. Each panel will also have a discussion section, within which institutions, experts and patients will analyze the possibilities for the most successful implementation of the National Plan to fight cancer in the Republic of Bulgaria.

You can see more about the forum here: https://ecpc.oncobg.info/

The event is open to journalists, but advance registration is required.

More information:

On 4 January 2023 r. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria adopted a National Plan to fight cancer (NPBR), which sets specific goals for the construction of an integrated, comprehensive and affordable oncology care system, within which to ensure all prevention activities, screening, innovative diagnostics and treatment, and care, in order to prolong the life of cancer patients and improve its quality.

Among the priority areas, laid down in the framework of the NPRB, are: the introduction of screening programs for the prevention and early detection of oncological diseases, which provide the opportunity for timely effective treatment and protection of human life; ensuring accurate diagnosis of oncological diseases; the construction of a complete and up-to-date database for oncological diseases in Bulgaria.

So far, no actions have been observed to implement the policies and programs laid down in the NPDB.



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