
I met Love at an official dinner a few months ago. Знаех за болестта й преди да се запозная със самата нея. I will not hide – I was worried and stiff, I expected to meet a languid and desperate man, I was looking for the words, with which to encourage her. A completely different person was waiting for me at the table with a smile – full of life, faith and strength woman, which captivated and charged me too. I was very impressed by her story, so i want to share it. Today Love is on 37 years. Detects, that he has cancer, when on 29 years.

He feels a lump in his breast, four months after her long-awaited pregnancy turned out to be ectopic. Решава да отиде веднага на преглед, because having a child is in her immediate plans. They tell her, that it is not something dangerous, they recommend her to watch the lump, because according to research it is a benign entity, but she decides to remove it. Goes to surgery with an attitude of light intervention. On the tenth day after surgery, however, the attending physician tells her, that the results showed, that the formation is malignant. This “throws from one world to another” and her, and her husband, Love remembers this moment. Radiation therapy begins immediately.

He then continues with hormone therapy, by stopping her ovaries with injections and Love enters menopause artificially. Междувременно познати й препоръчват болница в чужбина и тя отива за второ мнение. There they approve the started treatment, but they want to have an examination when the radiation therapy is over, to check that the tumor has been excised well. The arrangement is to go again, when possible. However, she does not go, because he feels very well and thinks, that everything is alright. During this time he does control examinations in our country. After a year and ten months the same doctor, who operated on her, after examination informs her, that there is a seal in the breast, but according to her, it is from the scar. At that time the doctor, with whom she was abroad, is on vacation in Bulgaria. Love goes to the hotel just to see him and thank him. He blames her, that she did not go for an examination as agreed.

Then she is on 31 years and is confident, that she is already healthy. Все пак отново отива в чужбина, where they do a mammogram. Препоръчват й .. отколкото в началото. He believes, that I will recover, not afraid, accepts everything calmly. He was the man, who cuts my hair, when my hair started falling out from chemotherapy. I am happy and I believe in love, I know there is nothing stronger than her. She is confident, that it will handle, and that he will have a child – it doesn't matter how exactly. One way is surrogacy, but she is now ready to adopt. This desire, which keeps Love strong in her battle with the disease impressed me greatly, he didn't let me go after our meeting.

That's why I decided to turn to this child, her angel of salvation, who will be praying to be with her soon:

A letter to a long-awaited child. Мило детe, I met your mother a month ago. I went to meet her with a heavy heart. I knew, that she has gone through many trials, diseases and battles. I was afraid, that our conversation will be difficult, that she would be desperate and broken, that I will have to encourage her. In front of me, however, stood the most beautiful and laughing woman. He spoke of his problems in an absolutely calm tone, without pain and despair, with a cheerful smile. Completely calm. Dear child, your mother is a very strong person. She overcame the most terrible disease. And you know how ? With love! With love to you! She wanted and waited for you so much, that she had become stronger than even the most ferocious beast, and from the fiercest storm, and from the greatest calamity. Dear child, your mother is also very smart. She knew, that the Great Evil can only be defeated by LOVE.

She loved him, because apart from torment, it also brought her important new knowledge. She became more patient, more compliant, more sympathetic, more grateful. And all this time, sweet child, your mother went to you. She has accumulated knowledge, experience, force, tenderness and love, to be the best mother.

Your father has always been by her side. Без него тя e нямало да се справи така добре. They were also helped by very good fairies and wizards – doctors, friends, relatives. Dear child, now there is only one very small step left, which you have to do.

Come quickly! Тук те чакат много игри, friends, travel. Here awaits you the most wonderful mother in the world – YOUR MOTHER.


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