The initiative continues “Stop and examine yourself”

According to the project “STOP and examine yourself” Have been sent 400 000 invitations for free screening examinations for the three types of screening tests. As of early September, the percentage of people, responded to their invitations, is barely 2,6%. “The low responsiveness of invitations can be explained by three main factors - fear, the limited information and the irresponsible attitude of the Bulgarian towards his own health”, explained Evgenia Adarska, President of the Association of Cancer Patients (APOZ) and lecturer of the events within the project information campaign “STOP and examine yourself”.

Thirty-six new settlements will host the upcoming tours, meetings and happenings in the implementation of the project in North Central and Eastern Bulgaria. The events are a continuation of a national information campaign, which started with the first tours in August in West and South Central Bulgaria.

The activities envisaged in this part of the campaign are aimed at raising public awareness of the project “STOP and examine yourself”, Clarification of the concept for conducting screening examinations in Bulgaria and the importance of early diagnosis of the three sites of the project - cervix and breast in women, and colon and rectum in men and women. The main message of the campaign is to raise public awareness of the importance of screening examinations, which are currently being introduced as a model in Bulgaria.

“The interest of the Bulgarian society in the project is great, although the reasons for this interest are of a different nature. However, the essential thing is, that everyone has the need and the right to receive understandably presented information, to help him evaluate it and find the benefit for himself personally. Only then can we engage people with the idea of ​​the public benefit of screening, to expect their conscious assistance.”

“At the events of August, I was impressed by the lightning-fast change in the attitude of many people, with whom we met in person. They left our meetings ready to respond to the invitations, and those, who have not received one, realize how important early diagnosis is. It is such behavior that we strive to educate among the entire Bulgarian society, which will determine the success of the project “STOP and examine yourself”, added Ms. Adarska.


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