Dr. Antoaneta Tomova: “A comprehensive healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of cancer by 40%”


Cases of malignant diseases are increasing in our country.

The cause of the occurrence of cancers is always complex. Through 2020 r. the sick in the EU are 2,7 million. souls. In Bulgaria in the same year, their number was approx 36 000. In the same year 1,3 million. have lost the battle with the disease in the EU, and we have about – 20 000. According to data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, if decisive action is not taken, the forecast for 2035 r. is an increase in cases with 24% – will become the leading cause of death in the EU. That's what he said the oncologist Dr. Antoineta Tomova on air “The day ON AIR”.

According to her, people should part with their harmful habits, no matter how tempting they are.

“If smoking is stopped, the risk of cancer decreases with 27%. If a person does not abuse alcohol, can expect his individual risk of developing cancer to decrease. A comprehensive healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of cancer 40% – minimum 3 from 24 hours a person should be active”, she remarked.

The guest urged people to monitor their health and attend preventive examinations.

“Each of the major diagnoses is treatable, when detected in time”, the oncologist was categorical.

Before Bulgaria ON AIR Dr. Tomova cites statistics, according to which 1 from 8 women develop breast cancer, and one of 12 men to 75 years developed prostate cancer.

“The key lies in prevention and health culture”, she summed up.

See more in the interview:


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