The EC has launched the Center for Knowledge in the field of cancer


The European Commission is launching the Center for Cancer Knowledge. From there they point, that this is the first flagship initiative, which is carried out within the framework of the European plan to fight cancer.

The Knowledge Center is a new online platform for gathering information and coordinating action against the disease, which in Europe is the most common cause of death for people under the age of 65 years. It will collect the latest cancer data, will provide health guidelines and quality assurance schemes, in addition, it will monitor and forecast trends in cancer morbidity and mortality in the EU. He will be the place, where everyone, involved in the fight against cancer, will be able to share best practices, to cooperate and coordinate their efforts, so that we can get the most out of our collective knowledge and evidence-based science, explained by the EC.

Центърът ще събира и предоставя най-актуалните сведения и статистически данни за раковите заболявания. It will follow the trends in cancer, to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of prevention strategies and screening programs. Негова задача ще да предоставя европейски насоки за профилактика, screening, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, in order to improve results and reduce inequalities between regions in the EU. Той ще съдейства още за формирането на политики за профилактика на рака, related to the environment and healthy living, including tobacco and alcohol control, както и да следи за пропуски в научните изследвания и в политиките.

Центърът ще осигурява пространство за координиране в рамките на една платформа на много инициативи в областта на рака и ще спомага за намаляване на неравенството по отношение на профилактиката и лечението на ракови заболявания в целия ЕС.

"We are all institutions, researchers, patient organizations and innovators - we must join forces, so that our society can fight cancer. Science can help us understand this disease and its associated risk factors, but to make it a real impact, knowledge must reach policies and interventions, that can save the lives of many people ", заяви Мария Габриел, the Commissioner, responsible for innovation, research, culture, education and youth. She added, that the Cancer Knowledge Center is a key tool for coordinating our efforts, which will help us use the best available scientific evidence, to win this battle.

Greater knowledge will help us better understand the causes of cancer and prevent and treat them more successfully.. Research and innovation are the starting point for a new approach to cancer care in the EU, каза комисарят по въпросите на здравеопазването и безопасността на храните Стела Кириакиду. She added, that pooling and sharing the latest research data, innovation and technology, including in relation to new personalized digitized cancer solutions, are crucial. They will enable health and research institutions to fight cancer more effectively, and the new knowledge center will be the focus of these actions, pointed to Kiriakidu.



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