“Euroins Life” started selling insurance “I love life”, part of the revenue – in aid of APOZ
A cancer diagnosis can change your life! No one deserves to hear this diagnosis. But everyone has the right to fight it! That's why “Застрахователно
A cancer diagnosis can change your life! No one deserves to hear this diagnosis. But everyone has the right to fight it! That's why “Застрахователно
Japanese scientists have developed a technology, in which cancer can be detected in a drop of blood and only for 3 minutes. Това ще позволи установяването на
It should not be possible to introduce waiting lists in cancer centers, as is the assurance of Health Minister Moscow, коментира пред Дарик
In Bulgaria, we have all the conditions for successful cancer treatment, Evgenia Aderska told Focus radio, President of the Association of Cancer Patients. “Късно
По данни на Националния раков регистър за периода от 2006 – 2010 година у нас с рак на главата и шията са били диагностицирани над
Заболеваемостта от рак на гърдата в провинцията е десетки пъти по-ниска, отколкото сред жените в София. Всяка година у нас от рак на гърдата заболяват
Ракът отнема живота на над 17 000 българи годишно, А разболява други 36 000 души всяка година. В същото време 1/3 от случаите на онкологични заболявания могат
Socially significant diseases and how their prevention should become a priority in Bulgaria. According to Evgenia Adarska, President of the Association of Cancer Patients, всичко започва
Поведението на политиците в последните дни ни кара да подозираме сериозни скрити договорки, които нямат нищо общо с интересите на пациентите и качеството на здравеопазването.
So far, this critical period has not expired, for which she had warned Dr. Rumyana Todorova from the National Health Insurance Fund, but September is approaching. That's what he told the Agency “Focus”, chairman
The blue eyes of a young woman, ridiculously killed by an ambulance that arrived late, watching from TV and newspapers in the days after the election. Явно заради резултатите от вота
The members of the patients' families also pass through the psychotherapy rooms and the group therapy room, as well as hospital teams, съобщиха от Асоциацията на пациентите
The number of patients with lung cancer is increasing in Bulgaria. Stress and poor environment are among the main factors for cancer. Това обяви пред bTV Евгения
Today is World Cancer Day – initiative, which every year on 4 February unites the world community. On February 4th 2000 g., in
The appointment of psychologists, to work with doctors, is right, which every hospital has. За нас беше безкрайно важно лекарите да вкусят ползата от работата